HCC Part 1: Epidemiology & Risk Factors
- An epithelial tumor originating in the liver and composed of cells with similar characteristics as normal hepatocytes
- Most frequent malignant liver tumor
- 5 th most common cancer
- 3rd most common cause of death due to cancer
- M>F
- More in developing countries
- Multistage disease linked to environmental, dietary & life style factors
1. Previously damaged organ (cirrhosis) - Viral B & C / Alcohol / NAFLD
Annual incidence of HCC in cirrhosis is 2 to 8 %.The incidence of higher in following situations
Highest incidence is seen in following situations
a. Hepatitis C or B virus
b. Severity of cirrhosis (decompensated)
c. Geographic (Japan > US/Europe)
d. M>F
e. Multiple risk factors: Alcohol + NAFLD or Hepatitis B/C
2. 15-20 % occur in non-fibrotic liver or liver with minimal portal fibrosis (without any septal fibrosis)
a. Chronic liver inflammation without cirrhosis (Hepatitis B/C - NASH etc)
b. Hereditary disorders - Hemochromatosis / Wilson's disease / a-1-antitrypsin deficiency
c. Toxins - alcohol / aflatoxin B1 / iron overload / chronic anabolic androgen steroid abuse
d. De-Novo (usually large at presentation)
Prepared by Dr. Sharad Maheshwari
Updated: 10.7.2023
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6354117/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263631/pdf/radiol.14132361.pdf
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