Pancreatic pseudocyst & walled off necrotic collection - What to report

What to report in a pancreatic pseuocyst or a walled of necrotic collection (WON)

    Fig 1 a & b: Walled of necrotic collection with debris in it. There is possible communication with pancreatic duct, since it has been increasing in size. 

Nomenclature is based on type of pancreatitis and time line

Timeline: < 4 weeks

1. IEP: Interstitial edematous pancreatitis: Acute pancreatic fluid collections

2. Necrotizing pancreatitis: Acute necrotic collection

Timeline: > 4 weeks

1. IEP- Interstitial edematous pancreatitis: Pseudocyst

2. Necrotizing pancreatitis: Walled off necrotic collection

 What to report

1. Size

2. Contents - fluid / debris / hemorrhage / 

3. Wall - is it is well formed

4. Communication with the pancreatic duct

5. If ruptured - extent of spread

6. Any vascular complication - arterial aneurysm / venous thrombosis and collateral formation

    Fig 2 a. Walled of necrotic collection with fat necrosis. fig. 2 b: The patient presented with pain and on CT Scan, the necrotic collection is reduced i size with loss of wall definition and new acute collection in the transverse mesocolon (red star)


1. Conservative (# masterly Inactivity):

You don't have to actively intervene, human body is amazing and takes care on its own. See Fig. 3 below:

    Fig 3 a. Walled of necrotic collection with debris on MRI image. fig. 3 b: Follow up CECT after months shows resolution of the collection. 

2. Active intervene (either surgery or interventional radiology procedure):

1. Infected (image guided drainage or necrosectomy)

2. Aneurysm formation ( embolization)

3. Rupture - observe vs intervene (image guided driange)

4. Communication with pancreatic duct - observe vs intervene (if keeps on increasing and is at risk of rupture) - Stenting by ERCP

5. Pressure effects: Cysto gastrostomy or image guided drainage

6. Portal hypertension due to PV thrombosis: Variceal banding  if bleeding happens. Surgical shunt or TIPPS for off loading the pressure. 

Prepared by Dr. Sharad Maheshwari


Update: 14.11.2022
