Typical FNH - Focus on the arterial phase appearance
Pathology: A typical FNH has following features:
1. Well demarcated with nodular appearance
2. It is unencapsulated
3. Has a central scar with multiple fibrous septations, which divides the mass into multiple nodules.
4. It has a prominent central artery and drainage is into hepatic veins. (spoke of wheels sign on contrast ultrasound)
5. Does not have portal supply (don't expect its visibility in other phases)
T2W FS / T1 W Dixon / DWI (b=800)-ADC/ Multi-phase dynamic with gadolinium
1. Baseline Imaging: Camouflaging (not so well seen)
2. Restriction of diffusion: usually lower than liver, but variable
3. Arterial phase: Avidly enhancing with lobulated margins. Non-enhancing central scar and fibrous septa
4. Delayed: Enhancement of the scar
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