Easy to remember flow chart for contrast reaction management


With current generation non-ionic i.v contrast use, the rates of contrast reaction have significantly reduced as compared to the use of ionic contrast agents.

If a patient has contrast reaction, the key to management is prompt action by the radiology team, which includes the nurse, technologist and radiologist.

Radiology team should not by shy of calling help from the code team / emergency department / ICU team as the protocol of the hospital.

First line of treatments can be quickly administered before any help arrives, which includes:

1. Anti histaminic
2. Steroids
3. Nebulization with salbutamol or adrenaline 
4. In case of cardiac arrest: CPR/Adrenalin administration

All radiology departments have exhaustive check list and managements steps. The flow chart i have prepared is simple and easy to remember. It enlists a simple protocol basic steps one can perform at all levels. It does not display the details of drugs and dosages, just a quick chart to remember which includes the "essentials"

It is again important to remember, that at any stage of the assessments, whether it is for the first time you see the patient or during the course,  CODE BLUE if required to be activated.

Prepared by Dr. Sharad Maheshwari
Updated: 10.10.2022
